Want to learn more about cybersecurity topics? Listed below are some resources you can use to learn more on your own! There are many, many resources out there and the list is a small subset of all of them!

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There are many options of curriculum that apply to cybersecurity. This is just a small subset of options. This group of courses are ones geared specifically for high school students.

  • Cyber.org

    • Cyber.org has a multitude of introductory courses.

    • Some of the courses available on cyber.org:

      • Intro to Cybersecurity (covers all the basics)

      • Cybersecurity Basics (a little more advanced level of intro)

      • Networking

      • Computer Science

    • There is also a cyber range that is free to use that many of the cyber.org labs utilize. This gives students the ability to use industry tools in a safe environment.

    • Free to use

  • Teach Cyber

    • Teach Cyber’s curriculum is more robust than the typical high school courses. The curriculum is built for a year-long course, but can pared down to a semester.

    • Grounded in learning science, the instructional materials use a variety of hands-on, active, student-centered learning strategies, including lab experiences using the U.S. Cyber Range.

    • Free to use although U.S. Cyber Range does have a cost associated with it if you are outside of Virginia

    • Topics cover 8 Big Ideas:

      • Ethics

      • Establishing Trust

      • How does the Internet work?

      • How do we protect our data?

      • How do we protect our network?

      • Adversarial Thinking (thinking like the bad guy)

      • Risk

      • Implications

  • Codeacademy

    • If you want a short course, codeacademy.com can give you a 6 hour course to see if you are interested in cyber called Intro to Cybersecurity.

    • Free to use (unless you want to get a certificate of completion which is only available in paid versions)

    • No labs available

    • More of a cyber literacy class

    • Topics include:

      • What is Cybersecurity?

      • History and Standards

      • Cyber Threats

      • Cryptography

      • Network Security Basics

      • Securing You Personal Devices

    • Also have classes in AI. Computer Science and many more.

  • CodeHS

    • This is a year-long course that goes over all of the basics of cybersecurity called Introduction to Cybersecurity. Link to codehs.com.

    • Allows for further study in topics such as cryptocurrency.

    • Uses their own platform for their labs

    • Free to use for middle school and high school students

    • Also have classes in computer science, networking, advanced cybersecurity, and much more.

    • Topics include:

      • What is Cybersecurity?

      • Digital Citizenship

      • Cryptography

      • System Administration

      • Software Security

      • Network Fundamentals

This group of courses/platforms are more geared for adults, but certainly can be used by students as well!

  • tryhackme.com

    • tryhackme.com is great for learning cybersecurity concepts

    • Offers challenge rooms, pathways, and virtual machines

    • Provides hands-on learning experience

    • Sample Learning Paths:

      • Intro to Cybersecurity

      • Jr Pen Tester

      • Cyber Defense

      • SOC Analyst 1

      • Cost is $20 per month for full access, but a lot of the curriculum can be accessed for free

  • Coursera - Google Professional Cybersecurity Certification

    • Link to course here

    • 8 course series that covers the following topics:

      • Foundations of Cybersecurity

      • Managing Security Risks

      • Network Security

      • Linux and SQL

      • Assets, Threats, and Vulnerabilities

      • Detection and Response

      • Automate Tasks with Python

      • Prepare for Cybersecurity Jobs

    • Prepares you for the Security + certification plus you have a portfolio of projects you create throughout the courses

    • $49 per month (completion time varies)

  • hackthebox.com

    • Link to platform

    • Learn how to be a hacker (and then how to protect against hackers) in a gamified and safe environment

    • Allows students to put theories in practice through academy courses or learn about a very specific tool

    • $14 per month, but you have 2 hours for free to see if you like it

    • Virtual environment to practice skills

  • OverTheWire

    • Link to platform

    • Popular and interactive platform that offers a series of hands-on cybersecurity challenges and games to help individuals learn and practice various aspects of computer security. The platform is designed to provide a fun and engaging way to develop practical skills in cybersecurity and hacking, all within a legal and controlled environment.

    • Examples of Challenges:

      • Bandit: A series of beginner-friendly challenges that teach Linux command-line basics and basic security principles.

      • Narnia: More advanced challenges focused on binary exploitation and shellcoding.

      • Narnia: Challenges focused on web security, covering topics like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and more.

      • Pwnable.kr: Another set of challenges involving binary exploitation, memory corruption, and reverse engineering.